Designer handbags have now become a status symbol for women all over the world. With numerous designer labels launching and each fashion house contending for the top handbag market share, it has become very competitive.
Gucci is one of the top handbag designers. It probably started when Guccio Gucci founded a leather goods company in 1921 in Florence. Only twenty- eight years old at the time, Guccio Gucci began his career as a designer associated with houses including Vittadiniressa and Vicini storms to name a few. By 1938 he had become the principal designer and employer of the House of Gucci and his flair for leather goods became well known to the Florentine public. all icon with this company. The interlocking G’s with the brand name are a familiar sight to any consumer today. During Guccio Gucci’s lifetime, he also designed items for other famous houses.
During the 1960s and 1970s, most of America’s fashion designers began to call Gucci the “Metropolitan Designer”. Because of this exposure, Gucci became the “it” designer for both celebrities and Hollywood. Many big-time celebrities were either being used by Gucci or were mere imitators of the ever-popular ensemble. Anti-Gucciurities showed up in many forms, such as the placing of a thorn in a Gucci designer handbag or the strap being dropped by the handbag onto a waiting motorcycle.
During the 1980s Gucci diversified a bit from leather goods and expanded into belts, ties and shoes. The interlocking G logo appearance appeared in various guises, such as in the form of plaid canvas, in the company’s signature monochrome colour. Every possible colour, whether subtle or prominent, was printed on Gucci in different colours. This variety gave birth to the iconic Gucci colourways. Some of the most Evening- Gloves- Leather Boots in various styles and shapes were manufactured and offered by the Gucci handbag, Purses and Shoes division. aggressive and prominent red and black Gucci Apparel was displayed on the common man.
For a time in the 1990s, Gucci’s appearance was equaled to that of fashion’s highest Destroyer- With two boutiques located in Los Angeles and New York from where it extended its reach to a worldwide customer base. However, Tom Ford, a product of the Gucci Alternative Trends team quickly grew to prominence. Gucci Creative Director, Frida Giannini, is early experiences in the design world made her an integral part of Gucci, and her primary desire was tougher Fashion, functional, and clearly proportionate. This was opposite to Tom Ford, who wanted to expand the brand into apparel other than those made from leathers and suede. Even when Gucciayan to a temporary suspension and was limited job portfolio in the 1990s, Tom Ford enforced the Gucci Classic silhouette, reinvigorated the Gucci Menswear, Gucci Jeans, and of course, the Gucci Cloches. And with Gucci Golf’s ban on certain footwear, bamboo soles and polyurethane midsole made its return with a bang in the late 1990s. With Gucci Golf’s return in Tijuana, Gucci reinvented the famous stripes, nautical style patterns, and more retro-fashions.
Gucci’s most recent reinvention was an extension of the ideas pushed by their steel salvage likings: Gucci held an exhibition in Florence’s Unfinished building; a Hempington Avenue store; the first Gucci cart garden in Rome; the first Gucci Store in Japan; the first Gucci Day shopping event in New York; and the first Gucci Plus stores. This in itself would indicate that Gucci continues to innovate.
Whether Mr Gucci is moving on or down the line, there is no doubt that his clothing and accessories lines continue to be exceptionally popular, not only for their quality and styles, but because of the associations with wealth, power, self-esteem, and glamour. Just like the jewellery and handbags that he creates for them, Gucci handbags continue to successfully sell on an uninterrupted basis. For the record though, Gucci has revised its product lines, and in 2009 Gucci released a refreshed image.
Whether you consider Gucci’s bamboo handle handbag to be essential, or simply one of many ‘must have’ handbags, what is certain is that Gucci handbags are here to stay.